An ongoing project to establish a collective resource for the city’s tenants’ movement in its fight against landlordism and bad housing.

The GHSA aims to achieve:

1. A space where tenants, community groups and housing organisers can easily access information about Glasgow’s inspiring tradition of radical tenant struggle.

2. Place today’s housing struggles in historical context, drawing lessons from over a hundred years of campaigning, demonstrations, occupations and rent strikes.

3. Provide a space for working-class activists, tenant union organisers, historians, archivists and radical scholars to contribute documents, photographs and critical reflections on Glasgow’s housing history.

4. Establish a living archive of today’s housing struggles in the city.

The project is funded in collaboration with the Miliband-Lipman Foundation and the Workers’ Educational Association (Scotland), and has been created by members of Living Rent – Scotland’s Tenants’ Union.

If you are interested in attending a workshop, or forming part of the GHSA committee in the future, please get in contact below